Ganem lab publications:
Selected Publications:
- Vittoria M.A., Kingston, N., Kotýnková K., Xia E., Hong R., Huang Lee., McDonald S., Tilston-Lunel A., Darp R., Campbell J., Lang D.A., Xu X., Ceal C.J., Varelas X., Ganem N.J. 2022. Inactivation of the Hippo Tumor Suppressor Pathway Promotes Melanoma. Nature Comm. 13(1):3732.
- Quinton R.J., DiDomizio A., Vittoria M.A., Kotýnková K., Ticas C.J., Patel S., Koga Y., Vakhshoorzadeh J., Hermance N., Kuroda T.S., Parulekar N., Taylor A.M., Manning, A.L., Campbell J.D., Ganem N.J. 2021. Whole genome doubling confers unique genetic dependencies on tumor cells. Nature. 590(7846):492-497.
- Lim S., Hermance N., Mudianto T., Mustaly H., Mauricio I.P., Vittoria M.A., Quinton R.J., Howell B.W., Cornils H., Manning A.L., and Ganem N.J. 2019. Identifying STK25 as a novel activator of LATS kinases. Nature Comm. 4;10(1):1547.
- Vittoria M.A., Shenk E.M., O’Rourke K.P., Bolgioni A.F., Lim S., Kacprzak V., Quinton R.J., and Ganem N.J. 2018. A genome-wide miRNA screen identifies regulators of tetraploid cell proliferation. Mol Biol Cell. 29(13):1682-1692.
- Flynn RL, Cox KE, Jeitany M, Wakimoto H, Bryll AR, Ganem NJ, Bersani F, Pineda JR, Suvà ML, Benes C, Haber DA, Boussin FD, Zou L. 2015. Alternative lengthening of telomeres renders cancer cells hypersensitive to ATR inhibitors. Science. 347:273-277.
- Ganem NJ*, Cornils H, Chiu, SY, O’Rourke, KP, Yimlamai D, Thery M, Camargo FD, and Pellman D. 2014. Cytokinesis failure triggers Hippo pathway activation. Cell. 158(4):833-848. *Co-corresponding author.
- Crasta K, Ganem NJ, Dagher R, Lantermann AB, Ivanova EV, Pan Y, Nezi L, Protopopov A, Chowdhury D, and Pellman D. 2012. Errors in mitosis cause DNA breaks and chromosome pulverization. Nature. 482(7383):53-58. PMID: 22258507.
- Ganem NJ, Godinho SA, and Pellman D. 2009. A mechanism linking extra centrosomes to chromosome instability. Nature. 460:278-282. PMID: 19506557.
- Kwon M, Godinho SA, Chandhok NS, Ganem NJ, Azioune A, Thery M, and Pellman D. 2008. Mechanisms to suppress multipolar divisions in cancer cells with extra centrosomes. Genes Dev. 22(16):2189-2203. PMID: 18662975.
- Ganem NJ, and Pellman D. 2007. Limiting the proliferation of polyploid cells. Cell. 131:437-440. PMID: 17981108.